
Conjunction Junction

I was hoping to sleep in this morning, but it just wasn’t meant to be. The Eminence Arts and Crafts festival is this weekend and Dayna has a booth, so she was up well before dawn’s butt-crack was showing. She tried to keep from waking me, but Bailey didn’t give me that consideration. By 4:15, she […]

Sparring Partners

I had planned to include this in the previous post, but it was already running too long. Besides, the more posts I can squeeze out of something, the better, am I right?

After the apparently deranged herd bull had chased his harem out of sight, there were still several younger bulls hanging around, only filtering into the […]

The Sound of Bugles

Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying,
Blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying.*

-Alfred Lord Tennyson

*This is actually about an actual, honest-to-goodness bugle, but it sure sounds like it could be referring to the call of an elk.


It was overcast and rather chilly, not much above 40°, as I passed through the entrance gate […]