
Flickr Update – June 30

I’ve added about 70 photos over the last couple of weeks. Mostly birds, but there are also dragonflies and a few box turtles.



Organized by Collection

Organized […]

Drive-by Shooting

Driving home after work one day last week, a small hawk came gliding low across the road in front of me. I was heading into the sun, so I couldn’t tell much about the bird other than he was too small to be a Red-tail. Watching him as he crossed the road, he looked as if […]

Birthday Bird

I had my 50th birthday back in May. Usually, Dayna and I go day-tripping on my birthday, looking for birds and a good place to eat. But this year found me out in the Powder Mill area, documenting flood damage.


At one stop, I saw something large and shiny in a little clearing back in the dense […]

Sex on the Pond

I finally got off my lazy ass and mowed the grass around my pond for the first time since last summer. It was waist-high and keeping me from getting close to the pond, due to the number of ticks it harbored. But with it freshly mowed, I can get to the pond without worrying too much […]

The Span of Life

Going through some of my older photos, preparing them for Flickr, I came across this image.

