
Snake in the Grass

A narrow fellow in the grass
Occasionally rides;
You may have met him, -did you not?
His notice sudden is.

The grass divides as with a comb,
A spotted shaft is seen;
And then it closes at your feet
And opens further on.

-Emily Dickinson, Snake


One day back in June, I had been lurking around my pond, photographing dragonflies. As I headed back […]

Copperheads and Tails

Uh oh, scary dangerous snake, yes? That’s how most […]

Corkwood & Sand Pond

The plan for today was to visit Sand Pond Conservation Area, on the Arkansas line in Ripley County. I took the long way around, going through Poplar Bluff instead of Doniphan, because the road is much better and I could stop for breadfast (I love Hardee’s blueberry biscuits!) This detour of sorts turned out […]

Daytrip to Mingo

Last Sunday (May 17,) I made the hour long drive over to Mingo National Wildlife Refuge near Puxico. I always enter the refuge via the Job Corps entrance and then turn left and go to the spillway. The road is normally closed at this point, so after backtracking to the Bluff Road, I follow it past the Board Walk and Visitor Center and exit through the Red Mill Drive area. But this time, a seasonal “driving tour” was open and I entered it from the Spillway area. […]