
Green Treefrog

According to “The Amphibians and Reptiles of Missouri,” the Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea) doesn’t occur in Carter County. Supposedly, other than an introduced population in Camden County, it’s limited to the southeast lowlands. My three year old niece Lauren would beg to differ since she found one today.


Jeepers. Peepers!

Just going by the amount of noise they make, Northern Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer crucifer) are quite numerous here around the pond and edges of the yard, yet I rarely see them. But twice this spring they’ve made appearances.

The first I saw was a female on my downstairs door following a night of […]

Corkwood & Sand Pond

The plan for today was to visit Sand Pond Conservation Area, on the Arkansas line in Ripley County. I took the long way around, going through Poplar Bluff instead of Doniphan, because the road is much better and I could stop for breadfast (I love Hardee’s blueberry biscuits!) This detour of sorts turned out […]