
Make thee an ark

When I started working on this post, I almost didn’t use the ark quote as a title because it seemed like way too much exaggeration.  Now, three days and 9 inches of rain later, I’m beginning to re-evaluate that feeling.  Since last Tuesday, we’ve had, according to my mother’s rain gauge, 14 inches of rain, with […]

Another day at the creek

After only getting to spend an hour snorkeling in Mill Creek on Saturday, I headed to Rogers Creek on Sunday.  Rogers Creek is the next tributary of the Current River upstream from Mill Creek.  It’s somewhat smaller than  Mill Creek, doesn’t have nearly the volume of spring flow feeding it and has a tendency to go […]

Colors of the Rainbow

Two weekends ago, things finally came together.  I had a wetsuit that fit and a beautiful 85 degree Saturday to make use of it.  I headed to Mill Creek, a tributary of the Current River, where it crosses my uncle’s place north of Van Buren.  I was a little self-conscious in the wetsuit (A 6′, 265 […]

Skeeter’s Revenge

A few nights ago, on another of those warm, rainy evenings, I talked my sister into a second trip to wade around a slough, this time down the old tram road south of Van Buren.  We were looking for crayfish, Cambarus diogenes and Procambarus acutus, but came up with nothing other than a few small Orconectes […]

The Darters are blooming

I had planned to go snorkeling a couple of weekends ago.  Several of the darters that occur in the area were coming into their breeding colors, I’d ordered a farmer john wetsuit and jacket and they had arrived on the UPS truck as promised on Friday.  Then things started to go south. The wetsuit and […]