

Humans have been able to fly, not quite under their own power, for a little over a hundred years. Dragonflies accomplished this more than 325 million years earlier and they do it all on their own. They are magnificent and I love to sit and watch them zoom about, capturing prey, fussing over territories and, sometimes […]

Reflections of a Thirsty Squirrel

A couple of months ago, I was in the […]

Roadside Raptor: Red-tailed Hawk I

I was looking through my photos the other day, pretty much at random, and I realized something. I have a lot of raptor photos that I’ve gotten when we’ve spotted the bird along the road and turned back to shoot him. These are mostly Red-tails and Bald Eagles, but I have some others: American Kestrel, Red-shouldered […]

Kites Ho!

Dayna had a doctor’s appointment in Cape Girardeau last week and I took off to go along. Her appointment was at 11:00 a.m. so I knew that if we ate lunch quickly and I could keep Dayna from spending all day at the mall, we would have time to stop somewhere and take some photographs. But […]

The Tyrant King: Throne of Thorns

The evil King in the East, Tyrannus tyrannus, surveys his […]