
Chilly day on the Jacks Fork

This last weekend was miserable.  All week, it had been sunny and warm, nearly 90° on a couple of days, and then the weekend arrives.  So do the clouds.  A solid blanket of clouds that lasted all weekend (though they were miraculously gone this morning when I had to go back to work.)  And the temperature […]

North Fork White River III

Wrapping up the North Fork trip, Billy and I left the North Fork Recreation Area and headed west to Bryan Creek and Rippee Conservation Area.  RCA is a gorgeous Missouri Department of Conservation owned area at the confluence of Rippee and Bryant Creeks.  I wasn’t going to get back into my now clammy wetsuit, so we […]

North Fork White River II

OK, picking up where we left off last time, moving upstream out of the pool and into the run below the landing, I started finding darters.  At first, it was a few Rainbows but then the Banded Darters (Etheostoma zonale) made an appearance.



North Fork White River I

About a month ago, before the great deluge, my brother-in-law Billy and I drove the hour or so over to the North Fork of the White River.  Our first stop was the Mark Twain National Forest’s North Fork Recreation Area and then went on to MDC’s Rippee Conservation Area at the confluence of Rippee and Bryant […]